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The Sake Notebook:
All You Need to Know About Sake in 50 Concise Pages


      The basics of sake in a 50-page, easily digestible, very practical format that includes a list of 400 recommendable sake, and provides enough education on all things sake to fuel your study, appreciation and enjoyment of sake for years to come.

Now available in four formats:
Amazon Kindle
Barnes and Noble Nook
iBooks for the Ipad and Iphone
...and plain ole' pdf


Sake's Hidden Stories

     Sake's Hidden Stories will give you a view to what goes on in the sake industry behind the brew we all love so much. The book goes into stories much deeper than the information we most commonly encounter; way beyond simply what ginjo-shu is, what junmai-shu is, or what the role of koji is. You will learn about the personalities behind the sake. You will see in just how much detail some brewers make sake, and how each is different in where importance is placed. And most significantly, something that has not been written about in any book on sake in English, you will meet more than a dozen brewers, and encounter their personalities. You'll see what makes them tick, what drives them in their work, and how their histories and idiosyncrasies affect the sake they brew.

Read a third-party, unsolicited blogger review here.
Read another one here. And yet another one here!
Three respected food and drink bloggers all gave
Sake's Hidden Stories the thumbs up!

Now available in four formats:
Amazon Kindle
Barnes and Noble Nook
iBooks for the Ipad and Iphone
...and plain ole' pdf

Note, the pdf version of each is slightly more expensive due to its potential share-ability!