Sake Professional Course Live Online #13 March-April 2025

Download a copy of this content here: SPC LO 13 March – April 2025 Announcement

Live and Online via Zoom
Recognized by the Sake Education Council

I am pleased to announce the 13th live online running of the Sake Professional Course, to be held via Zoom on two consecutive weekends from the US. The dates will be Friday, Saturday and Sunday March 28, 29 and 30, and Friday and Saturday April 4 and 5, 7:00pm to 11:30pm each day, US Eastern time. This corresponds to 4:00pm to 8:30pm US Pacific time, and 8:00am to 12:30 pm the following morning in Japan. Please be sure to confirm your local time. There will also be a one-hour short pre-recorded introductory lecture that students will be required to watch anytime before the class begins.

Note: For those that are busy at those times, or inevitably have to miss a session, Zoom recordings will be made available immediately following each session, and will remain accessible 24/7 to students until the exam. Furthermore, I will be available for questions about the material at any time throughout the course.

The content of this intensive sake live online course will be identical to that of the Sake Professional Course held across the US and in Japan, with the exception of extensive sake tastings, and sake brewery visits. The goal of this course is that “no sake stone remains left unturned,” and my motto is “exceed expectations for the course.” Every conceivable sake-related topic will be covered across the five sessions.

The course is geared toward industry professionals wishing to expand their horizons in a thorough manner into the world of sake, and will therefore be somewhat technical in nature, and admittedly somewhat intense. It is likely more than the average consumer needs! But the course is open to anyone with an interest in sake and will certainly be enjoyable. The course lectures and tasting will begin with the utter basics, and will thoroughly progress through and cover everything related to sake. Like its in-person counterparts held in the US and Japan each year, it will be quite simply the most thorough and comprehensive English-language sake education in existence.

Each of the five sessions will include a 20-minute break in the middle, a thorough question and answer period, and a tasting exercise of one to three sake (to be procured by each student based on to-be-provided list) held at the end of the session. (Participation in the tasting session is optional!)

The course is recognized by the Sake Education Council, and those that complete it will be qualified to take an exam for Certified Sake Professional certification, which will be offered online on Saturday, May 25, via an online testing platform called Classmate. The fee for the exam is included in the tuition. Those that pass the exam will be receive a certificate, and be recognized on the Sake Education Council website as a Certified Sake Professional.

The tuition for the five-session course, including all materials and certification testing is US$415, and is payable via check, or credit card or Paypal.

Participation is limited and reservations can be made now to secure a seat; full payment will be requested by Friday, March 21st. You can read testimonials from those that have previously taken the Sake Professional Course Live Online here, and those that have taken the live, in person courses here. For reservations or inquiries, please send an email to

Syllabus and Daily Schedule
“No Sake Stone Remains Left Unturned!”

Day I (Friday, March 28)
7:00 pm ~ 11:30 pm (Eastern Time): Sake Basics, Sake Types, Terms found on Sake Labels
Day II (Saturday, March 29)
7:00 pm ~ 11:30 pm (Eastern Time): Sake Brewing, Rice Types, Yeast Types, Water, Koji
Day III (Sunday, March 30)
7:00 pm ~ 11:30 pm (Eastern Time): Sake Chemistry: nihonshu-do, acidity; Yamahai and Kimoto, Nama-zake (unpasteurized sake), Pressing Methods.
Day IV (Friday, April 4)
7:00 pm ~ 11:30 pm (Eastern Time): Aging and maturity. Non-standard sake types like nigori, low alcohol sake, sparkling sake, red sake, & taruzake. Sake competitions. Vessels / Glassware, Temperature, Toji Guilds, Odds and Ends.
Day V (Saturday, April 5)
7:00 pm ~ 11:30 pm (Eastern Time): Sake Regionality, Sake & Food, History, The State of the Sake Industry.
Online Testing Day (Saturday, April 12)
Details to follow

Download a copy of this content here:SPC LO 13 March – April 2025 Announcement

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